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The interviewer is P.J. Preylo, a Central Bible College student
interviewing lead dude, Jeremy George of Still Water Rhythm

My research paper is two fold...it's on counseling and music.  These are
both future ambitions of mine.  Basically what I'm trying to do is get a
'realistic' view of the music scene from guys who've been there and are
'DOING' it!  You two fit the bill, and are from two totally different bands
with different visions etc, etc but yet a common goal.  I respect your time
and energies and most of all your Love that I've felt from Day ONE!

Give me what ya got...and don't hold back!

Answer the following 8 questions: the pot.jpg
1. Why have you chose Music to 'make a statement' with?

ove you bro

here i go.

1.  it is a natural thing.  i didnt choose it.  it
flows and i have to let it flow.  God put it there - he
began the whole thing in my soul.  it is feel.  i am
in the moment with it.  and as a result - who i am -
what i believe - what i live by and stand for comes
out, not just in the lyrics i write but the rhythms
that i evoke and flow from the spirit.
i have always loved music.  it is my life blood.  it
is a life experience for me - in worship and in
everyday living.  i breathe it - whether it is my own
or someone elses creation.  it is part of my being.
my soul.
it is a spiritual thing.  even before i got saved i
felt that it was a spiritual thing.

2. What is your drive? 

the spirit of God joined with the deep longings in my
soul drive what comes out.  it is passion man.  i live
my passions and one of them is music.  my passion
define who i am  -- or to look at it another way - who
i am - is defined in my passions.  you can't get away
from it - it is like destiney.  look at hendrix -
garcia-clapton - muddy waters- robert johnson -
it was in their soul.  you couldn't define them
without factoring their passion.
the spirit of God is the driver.  all the life i have
now- and will ever have - is from the spirit of the
living God.  i eat it - i breathe it - i worship it -
it flows through me.  it is the Zoe life inside of my
reborn spirit.  Deep calls unto Deep!

3. What is the biggest obstacle or fear in your prescribed music scene?

The biggest obstacle or fear in my area would be
fear of not growing musically.  sometimes i ask myself
if i want to grow musically.  i do.  i have my own
scope and space that i view that in.  it is important
to expand and redefine yourself over and over
throuhout the process.  and im not talking about the
message - i am talking about the package.

4. Level with me, do you think a person like myself could either do this
thing (music) part time like you Jer. or even full time like you Michael?

 i think you could do music pj.  i don't know to
what extent you want to do it or where you are going
style wise - the audience you are looking for.  but if
the passion is there then the drive will follow.  the
spirit of God ultimately has to dictate that.  i love
you bro - you have soul.  test the waters!

5. What is the dominate picture(message) in which you and or your band is
trying to convey to the people you come in contact with?

the dominate picture/ message we are putting out is
that God is all about relationships.  we want people
to experience with us the beauty that comes from being
liberated from religious bondage and coming under the
umbrella of freedom that jesus is all about.  When
jesus said, "come unto me all who are weary and heavy
burdened, i will give you rest."  he was talking to
people in the jewish communities of galilee who were
so heavily in bondage by the religious leaders of the
time.  they had so loaded the people that God was no
fun - God was not a refuge.  We are saying that God is
safe place to go and that he is warm and calm and
relaxing.  He will lead you by still water, he will
offer you some sweet wine at his table, he will hold
you and comfort you, he will guide you, and his mercy
is that of a million years of mercy.  every day if
live and grow older i realize how much i am in need of
his grace and mercy.  and it never fails me.  it is
always there.  that is our message.  don't take the
law of God on yourself - that is why jesus came.  who
can do it better than jesus?  no one.  and jesus is
the way God set it up for us to come back to him - why
would we try to do it any other way?  peace is our
message - love - and living life to its fullest.

6. Do you see yourself doing this in 10 years?  Why/Why not?

yes - i see myself doing this in 10 years.  i don't
know in what capacity.  it is a major part of my being
- and i will express it somehow all my days.  i often
thought God will use me in a worship capacity -
different than still water, but with the same
objectives.  but it is hard say.  i just love music.

7. What general age brackets does your music/ministry curtail? How do you
feel about the ones who fall outside of that?  If non-applicable just put

our age focus is primarily college age  and young
to older adults.  we really feel like our style and
lyrical content reaches most to the more intellectual
thinkers and those who feel rhythm and like the
grooves.  there are a lot of teenagers who dig our
style and sound and that is great - we definately
don't want to exclude anyone from our vision and our
ultimate purpose.  but we have to have some scope by
which we focus ourselves so that we are not spread so
thin to where we break.  just a focus.  but we love to
do worship for all ages.  my lyrics usually have a
twist where thought needs to be an intrical part of
the analysis.  I hope that our listeners will explore
the depth of the meanings within our songs.  but the
lyrics are only half of the way in which we
communicate our message - our rhythm is the other
half.  it is through the rhythms that flow that the
spirit of God communicates to the most primitive spot
inside of us.  we want to tap into that in its deepest
the wall.jpgsense!

8. On a persoal scale how do you balance the personal life out ... ie God,
family, community/church?

bro - the personal life is all over the music thing.how can you separate these things.  God is my life - his spirit lives through me.  The band is all about creating relationships that breathe community.  the band's vision (inspired by the spirit, written by me, and lived by the whole band)is my personal vision.  it
is the way i live and it is my own personal philosophy. so there is no problem being me.  i have to be myself. as liberal or conservative as people may see me - i have to be true to God and to who i am.  no fakeness! i live and love openly.  St. Augustine summed it all up in one phrase, "love God and do what you want."  if you love him and he is in you - you will be motivated by love and the spirit.  live you life to the fullest

speak to us at  root@stillwaterrhythm.com