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relate with us at  root@stillwaterrhythm.com

We defined our ultimate vision and mission when we came together as a group in the winter of 1999. The following is what we believe our purpose to be: Our vision is to exemplify the goodness of the One triune God through rhythms that touch the inner soul and music that speaks passionately to the spirit. Our mission is to create a presence in wSaubflute.jpghich the band will breathe love, happiness, truth, and humility; we will relate the gospel in a relevant way using tongue and deed; seek out sounds that are soothing to the soul and rhythms that move the primal instinct in us to dance in worship; and radiate the truths of God and life as we have experienced them. This is what we are after; this is what our lives are about. I would like to make these points very clear and to explain how we desire to achieve our vision and mission.

We are all about relationships. Relationship building is the most important part of what we desire to do with Still Water Rhythm as a band and as individuals. We believe that there is nothing more important than the establishing and building up of relationships. Before the beginning of the world there were relationships between the Spirit, Jesus, and the Father. God created humanity and therefore established more, different kinds of relationship. Relationships are the foundation of the home, of societies, cultures, nations, and the world. Why wouldn't God work most effectively through them? He would, and He does. If you look at the life of Jesus, he was interested in people. He was not about shouting some message out from the top of his lungs or carrying signs that protested some legislation that the Roman government had put into law. He focused on touching the heart and soul of the people who were around Him and with whom He came into contact with. Jesus was all about people! He was all about relationships! Any message is best relayed when the person who is hearing it has a basis for believing the individual who spoke it. Relationships are that key, that basis. Relationships are personal. Signs on a street corner are not. Relationships open up people's lives so that we can really identify their needs and then begin to help them. Leaving a tract on a table does not do that. By taking the time and care to establish effective relationships, we are saying that we value people and value their life. We are saying that we love them. They are not just an item to be won over to a particular belief system, they are precious human beings! This view of sharing the gospel is about sharing our lives with people. We believe that the Spirit will live the life of Jesus through us as we make ourselves available to people. God did not call His people to separate themselves from other people. That is the opposite of His message! To think that Christians should be afraid of the world or its message is crazy. If you really believe that Jesus is the light of the world, then you should believe, as He did, that that light will swallow up the darkness! Jesus didn't have second thoughts about hanging out with the worldly people. In fact, He loved being with these people so much more than being with religious people. Jesus couldn't stand the religious people of His day. He was at all out war against them. Their message was totally different than His.

Our message is the example that Jesus gave for us. Our message is totally different than the religious people of our day (we have a hard time with them also). They have so removed themselves from the world that they are creating a subculture within our culture. That is wrong! We believe that we should be among the people establishing relationships that relay the love that God has so graciously and abundantly given to us. His love is forever! His purpose is to give it to the world through the extension of His followers.
We desire to grow personally and spiritually. We want those who hear our music to be brought into the fullness that God has for His people. His love and beauty are unmatched. His fruit is sweet! We want to tap into that. We are hoping to branch out as a band. We hope that this expanding will be in the venues that we play at, cities that we travel to, college and universities that we can gain audiences with, and festivals that we hope to play at in the near future. We are not on the hunt to "make it big". We are trying to have fun, build relationships, make good music, beat some serious drums, and give out love and joy wherever we are. We want people to hear our music and our sound. We feel that we have a unique sound to offer to the Christian world and a competitive sound to give to the secular world. We hope that as a band you will support us.   Come up to us at gigs and visit with us.  Spread the word to your friends that there is a new band on the rise:  STILL WATER RHYTHM!

Written by: Jeremy